/The preschool children have really enjoyed exploring the outside spaces during the last couple of weeks. They decided to use the big blocks to build their own shop and role play shop keepers. They carefully carried the blocks and balanced them on top of each other. Once the shop was built, Ada said to Edie and Jessica “I think we should get the till and make money.” They found some food boxes that they brought over to their shop and loved offering them to their friends. Edie asked Arthur “Would you like some food at the shops? We’ve got Rice Krispies over there.” Eddie came over and had a look at all the different boxes the shop had to offer. He asked “Is this food expensive?” Dylan said to Eddie “I think it’s £50.” The children the decided to also use more blocks to make a water fall using the pipes, funnels and used the different sized jugs and beakers to take water over to the pipes and watch it run down. Tom said to Millie “We need water on here.” Millie loved going over to the water tray and enjoyed collecting the water and taking it back to the water fall creation. Tomas said to Millie “Can I pour water too?”
The preschool children have also enjoyed getting messy and creative this week. They have enjoyed using different materials to make their own junk modelling creations. The children loved using the tissue paper, pom poms, fuzzy pipe cleaners, string and feathers to make their wonderful models. Henry was very proud of his creation, Henry said to Sienna “I’ve made a monster box” and enjoyed telling his friends “my mummy and daddy are going to love my hard work.” Whilst Sienna replied “I making a lovely present.” Salvador and Ethan enjoyed messy mark making in the builders tray where they could use the use the different tools to mix the coloured paints and make marks across the tray. Salvador told Ethan “I made these lines in the colour.” Ethan began to giggle and said “I chopped the paint with my knife.” Will mixed lots of the paint together and said “Look it’s a big mess now.”
The past week the toddlers have enjoyed participating in their own “olympics” week. They have tried new activities and sports to push their abilities to their limits. At the beginning of the week Amelia found an interest in the long jump where she showed off her skills to run really fast and jump into the builders tray full of sand. As Amelia landed on her bottom she burst into laughter. Luna and Harry had a whale of time weightlifting, where they used a wooden pole and two wooden blocks to demonstrate their strength, lifting it above their heads and down to their toes. Meanwhile, Immy and Rhys enjoyed show jumping where they were able to gallop over the small jumps and neigh like a horse.
Out on a walk the toddlers participated in some athletics. On Thursday the toddlers went to the big field to try the 100m sprint and shot put. Alastair enjoyed picking up multiple balls at once and throwing them towards his friends. Charlie and Sophia loved the 100m sprint where they asked to repeat this “again” and “again”. Zoe shouted “Ready, steady, gooo!” and ran as fast as she could. The toddlers then completed a 1500m buggy race where they all looked surprisingly composed and hardly out of breath!! Harriet particularly liked racing down the hill where she shouted “Wheeeeee”.
Back inside the toddlers had the opportunity to try gymnastics and karate on the yoga mats. Finley smiled at his friends as they enjoyed showing off there interpretation of a ‘head block’ which in Japanese is called a ‘Jodan-Uke’. Sylvie laughed as she was supported to do a ‘scissor kick’ in the air. Her friends watched with amazement and said “My turn, my turn!”.
This week in the under two’s room the children have had lots of fun as they went to the park and being pushed on the swings. Sadie kept saying “More please” as she wanted to go higher, laughing and screaming shouting “Higher!” Rafferty laughed as a teacher tapped the bottom of his feet as he sung forward loving the game, Ada laughed a copied her friends saying “Whee, whee, push!”
When they were out enjoying the garden the children loved the bubble machine, one of the bubbles popped in Sophie’s face making her laugh running on the spot to show her excitement, Zack was a little unsure of the bubbles at first but soon realised that they were fun and started to point at them in the air, clapping trying to copy his friends popping them and laughing. Sadie laughed as she chased the bubbles around the garden squealing as they popped before she could get to them.
During their art activity of tea bag printing, Daniel was having lots of fun squeezing the tea bag so the colourful water went all over the paper, lifting up his tea bag so he could have more water, after a few squeezes busting the tea bag, spreading it over his picture using his hands. Sophie enjoyed the berry taste of the tea bag sucking it in between dabbing it in her picture!