Obstacle courses and building!

This week the children really enjoyed taking part in our Shooting Star Hospice fundraiser. They helped to create an obstacle course using our new garden tunnel and climbing equipment. At circle time in the morning the team explained how our obstacle course was to raise money for charity and to help people. When the children were doing the obstacle course Xanthe said “Its like the floor is lava, you cant touch the floor!”. “Go, go, go !” Alba shouted as she watched her friends moving along, encouraging them along the way. Oliver stepped off of the balance beam and said “Uh oh” giggling to himself.

The children have been talking about where we live. In the garden William, Zach, Maxwell and James decided to build a house. “We need big strong bricks to build our house” Maxwell said as they stated to stack the bricks. The children all worked together to carefully build “I have a big house!” Zach excitedly told his friends. “Me too” exclaimed James. They then continued to stack the bricks on top of each other, “We need 1000 bricks!” Maxwell said enthusiastically. Imani then came over to play and added cones to the top of the house, “It’s a chimney on the roof!” she said. When it was finished, the childern clambered inside. William then shouted, “Now we’re not going to get wet from the rain!”. The childern were rightly proud of their building, and took it in turns to hide inside.

They have been learning how to look after animals and plants in the garden.  Thomas told his friends “Plants need water to grow”. After filling up all the watering cans everyone went off to water the fruit and vegetables. Oliver, Ellis and Alba found some Tadpoles in the pond using the magnifying glasses. “There will be lots of frogs in the garden going ribbit, ribbit” Ellis said happily. Ellis and his friends then hopped around the garden like frogs! Great fun!

The babies have been very busy being artists and explored lots of different colours. The babies used their paintbrushes to paint their masterpieces using the different primary colours. Emma shouted ‘Blueee’ while George’s favourite colour was red! George decided to rub paint over his lips! The toddlers learnt about colour mixing and what happens when they mix. Louis made purple out of red and blue while Sidney used blue and yellow to make light green! Emma kept smiling to the camera saying “Cheese” when the pictures were taken. Agnes giggled as  she dabbed her paintbrush all over the page. Ciana decided to paint her hands and rub them all over the paper. Grace observed her friends painting and then picked up he paintbrush to copy what they were doing. Theo loved getting messy and was very focused on the activity. George said “Ta daaa” when he was finished and Emma shouted “More!” when she was ready for a new piece of paper. Rouxx loved using sponges pressing them as hard as he could onto the paper. 

Outside, the babies explored in the garden. Emma practiced her tennis skills using the racquets and the balls while Sidney climbed over the bridge avoiding puddles. Emma hit the ball and shouted “Ball” waiting for Sidney to run after it! Rouxx and Alex used magnifying glasses to observe the plants and trees. The babies listened to “We’re Going on a Bear Hunt” and used their magnifying glasses to watch out for big grizzly bears. Rouxx ran over the bridge whilst Edward walked through the “Swishy swashy” grass. Rouxx used his binoculars to look for bears. “Roar!” Emma practiced her scary bear noises whilst Honor giggled loudly at her. Agnes built towers out of logs, she clapped her hands and then knocked it down ready to rebuild it. Busy!