Park dens and campfires!
/This week the children have all been very busy exploring the outdoors and enjoying the weather. In the park they found a great den, and climbed inside , and under and over it. Elissa and Abigail loved climbing over the den, they balanced their way up well, and when Elissa got to the top she shouted to Abigail encouraging her to join her. Abigail quickly climbed up to the top and joined her further encouraging their friends to join them. They then looked out over the park spotting the deers, counting them. William helped and pointed out a dog, asking his friends if they could see any more. Zach managed to see Zayne through a small gap in the logs and shouted ‘Boo!’ into the den, and Zayne looked up and laughed before joining Zach on top. ‘It’s a bit like the bear cave! We’re going on a bear hunt ! ‘ shouted William, and they decided to make a story. Varun ran away with Jessie until they found a tree to hide behind. In the park Hlenhaze and Imani were happy to see some ducklings and feed them and ‘Mummy duck’, which reminded them of a song and on the walk back they sung ‘5 little ducks’.
In one of the garden areas they made some lovely dinner over a ‘fire’ use bark. Sophia and Ines mixed the bark and leaves around until it looked tasty enough to eat. Sophia spotted a snail on the ground and suggested they give the bowl of food to the snail. as ‘It might be hungry’. Ines pointed out the fruit growing and said ‘That will taste better’. Thinking about hungry animals and insects they made some bird feeders, Thomas liked getting messy with the seeds, but after squashing it into the lard the bird seeds stuck to his hands, he tried to shake them off, and sat shaking his hands and waving them around. This made Bodie laugh and he joined in, accidentally knocking some of the food on the floor, they said ‘Uh-oh!’ before carrying on laughing. Back at nursery, Lyra and Nyra were hiding from everyone in a cosy den, and when someone came close they jumped out and said ‘Boo!’ which made everyone laugh.
The babies have been exploring lots of different colours. There explored a rainbow wall to hide and find things in. Theo enjoyed playing peekaboo in between the colours, spying his face in the mirror between the coloured fabrics saying “Boo!” and giggling at himself! Alex loved putting the orange mesh on his head creating a lovely veil, showing all his friends. Ciana swished the fabrics to the music of ‘Wheels on the bus’. On the colour cloud Honor was fascinated by putting the different colour pegs in the slots banging them and making lots of noise. George kept a good grip on the red ones, as the seemed to be his favourite colour!
Emma and Ciana loved playing in the treehouse in the garden. Ciana would bend down and then jump up and shout ‘Boo!’. Emma smiled and waved saying ‘Hiya’. George hid inside the treehouse and giggle when others found him. George then crawled away quickly and say “bubye”, and loved being chased around the garden. Louis enjoyed climbing and exploring in the garden, climbing up and down the steps to the treehouse. He bought his friends some ‘cups of tea’ using water, and the all then decided to pour the water out and have a good splash about!. Edward thought it funny to catch the football and hid it in his arms before rolling it back out to Grace who copied him and laugh at their new game.