When you go into the woods today...
/The older children have enjoyed a lovely trip to the woods. Before going into the woods, the children looked at a map to tell them where to go. William pointed at the river on the map and said ‘That’s the river isn’t it?’ The staff showed them where they were on the map and the children helped to create a route for a walk, following the paths with their fingers. The children led us to the woodlands, and stopped on the bridge and saw a beautiful swan and its cygnets. Sophia was happy when she saw them and told everyone ‘Swans are white’ Eve said, ‘Yes, look at it’s babies’. They also saw a baby crow. Thomas copied the birds sound and cawed with Maxwell telling everyone that birds fly and acting it out flying around making his friends laugh and encouraging them to join in. Xanthe and Hlenhaze saw a nice big log and decided this was a great time to practice their balancing and climbing skills. Hlenhaze balanced well for a while before jumping down and landing safely, then he started to make a fun train. Lots of his friends joined him and Zach yelled out “Toot toot. All on the nursery train!” This inspired an activity back at nursery, where the children collectively built their own car/train and were very proud. Lyra loved being the driver and waited for all the children to sit down on their seats before facing forwards, shouting “Beep!” and turning the wheel. When a staff member stood in front to get a picture Nyra told us to ‘Move, quickly, you will get run over!’.
With the amazing heat, the children cooled down with a little bit of ice painting. They used the coloured ice to make some beautiful pictures and Oliver said “It’s cold” as he felt the ice and Imani pointed out all the different colours as it melted on to her page. Emily and James made their pictures full of colours and had a go at mixing them, Emily pointed out that the red and yellow was making orange. In the outdoor learning area they children made a lovely feast. Jasper mixed the mud and the bark and made a tasty summer soup whilst Maxwell and Zach had a great idea to make chocolate cake which gave William the idea to make some fruit salad. When all their foods were made they laid out their plates containing bark, mud, and leaves (cake, salad, fruit and soup) on the table and called their friends over to join them. Jessie sat down for some food and pretended to eat it, after she poked her tongue out and said “Yuck” this made Zach laugh and say “It is yucky” and he helped to make something else suggesting to use the plants that were being grown, “When they are ready, we can eat them” spotting strawberries and raspberries.
This week in baby room our theme was oceans week to celebrate world ocean day! Outside, the babies splashed around in the tuff tray which was filled with water. Sidney pushed the boats around the water, concentrating very hard! Emma was using a fishing net looking for different sea creatures, shouting “Fish!” Grace and Alex were fascinated by the lobsters holding onto them tight! They used the lobster to splash themselves and their friends making them all laugh lots and turned it into a fun game. They all loved exploring in the garden to see what they could find! The babies dived into the deep dark ocean to search for seashells that needed rescuing for their ocean clean up. Using toothbrushes, they scrubbed the seashells clean and looked after them very well. Grace started to call out the word “Brush!” whilst Louis giggled at the ripples in the water that Alex was creating. Sidney on the other hand, used his toothbrush to clean his teeth, they were nice and sparkly by the end of the day! Theo enjoyed playing in the garden with all his friends, smiling when they joined him at the water tray! He loved the water tray so much that he stayed by it the whole time. They all began to splash each other and laugh, by the time they came in for lunch they were soaked!
When on a walk to the park the babies used their magnifying glasses to take a closer look around. Ciana was laughing while pushing her face up to the magnifying glass and making it look bigger, which the others decided to copy! Ciana then saw another friend and decided to play peek-a-boo, lifting the magnifying glass up and down saying shouting “Boo!”, this made Honor very happy as she laughed and tried to copy. George loved crawling around on the grass chasing after the bigger children. George and Emma played together looking for bugs.
Now Summer has arrived we have updated our display boards in the baby room. All the children helped make art work for the displays. One of our boards was themed ‘under the sea’ which tied in perfectly with our weekly theme. Ciana, Emma and Edward loved using their sponges to print orange paint for their starfish. Edward clapped his hands when he saw the marks he made with the paint. Ciana said “Oooo” and showed everyone what she had done! . Alex and Rouxx loved taking part in the bubble wrap paint printing to make gorgeous colourful scales like our ‘Rainbow fish’ book that we read earlier in the day. The babies dipped their hands in to bright red paint and printed them on to card to make crabs. Emma moved her fingers to make crab claws whilst shouting “Snap! Snap! Snap!”