Growing and Caterpillars at Molesey!
/The pre school children have taken a very keen interest in watching the caterpillars grow over the past couple of weeks. They helped to put the caterpillars in to their individual pots, scooping the food in to the pots and then placing the caterpillars inside. Some children allowed the caterpillars to crawl across their hands and Riley told her friends, "This is their new house now". The children have learnt all about the life cycle of butterflies using our insect toys and have enjoyed listening and talking about the very hungry caterpillar story. The children have enjoyed making their own caterpillars this week using a variety of materials, textures and paints. Ella used a cotton bud to paint a face on her caterpillar., and said “Look! My caterpillar is a happy one with a nice face.” The children have also enjoyed junk modelling using lots of materials and boxes. Shyla told Ellie “This box is for mummy to put her things inside.”
The children have started growing vegetables in the vegetable patch. They started off with onions and garlic last week. Many more will follow this week including carrots, broccoli, lettuce , courgettes, tomatoes, beetroot. They used the spades to dig shallow holes and then placed some seeds in there and then helped to water them before covering them back over with the soil. William asked, "Can we eat them once they have grown?" Oliver replied, "Noooo, they won't taste nice like that, mummy will cook it in our food". Each time we have gone to the garden, Ada has gone over to check on them, asking, "Have they grown yet?"
The children have also taken a keen interest in the book of the month which is “Supertato.” The children have been role playing going to the supermarket and making their shopping lists to buy lots of vegetables. Tom said “We need to get a melon like the melon bot in the story” Eddie told Tom “The Evil pea might be in the freezer!”
Last week the toddlers had been preparing for Mother’s Day by making cards and decorating candle holders. They made a collage heart by picking different coloured paper and Amelia and Isabelle took their time and carefully chose which colour they wanted to use and where. They said “pink, blue, green” as they placed them down.
Outside the toddlers were fortunate to have some sunshine which has made being in one big bubble that much more enjoyable. The toddlers have loved being able to explore more of the garden with all their friends. Zachary, Harriet and Isla were really engaged with the obstacle course, focusing on balancing on the beams and not falling off. They each gave a big smile as they finished the course by jumping off the tall step. Fabian and Ari explored the garden with trucks, filling the trucks up with soil, bark and leaves. The boys discussed it very privately- we wonder what the secret was?
Back inside the toddlers have been getting into spring by planting some flowers. The toddlers paired up and each got the opportunity to plant seeds in the soil in their plant pot. Connie came into nursery excited to plant some flowers and asked “When can I do planting?”. The toddlers have enjoyed watering their plants every day using the mini watering cans. The toddlers have also been watching their new caterpillars grow. Each day Immy comes in and says “Caterpillars, butterfly” and points to them. The toddlers have been learning that soon the little caterpillars will grow and turn into beautiful butterflies!
The under two’s had fun taking part in world book day, and loved seeing all of their fantastic costumes and spent lots of time looking through different books together, reading the very hungry caterpillar pointing out the different foods and seeing how he grew.
The children got very excited when they noticed a squirrel on the fence in the garden. Alastair, Finley, Chloe and Emily were waving and pointing at the squirrel as it ate some food it had found on the ground. We asked the children what we should name it and Finley said “Momo”. The children watched Momo through the door as it scampered around the garden.
When the children were playing outside, Ada and Blake were sharing a big jug, taking it in turns to put twigs and leaves inside before emptying it back out again. Chloe, Billie and Rafferty liked sorting through the drawers to take out the balls, throwing and rolling them down the step while Charlotte and Sadie sorted through the heuristic basket to find lots of smooth pebbles, sticks and pom poms which they played with at the table. The little ones were fascinated and love to chase and trying to pop the bubbles in the garden. Great fun!