Snow adventures at Molesey
/The pre school children have had a very busy couple of weeks. They have been doing more science experiments after showing so much interest in science week. To continue our exploration, the children have learnt how to make water walk. This was by using 6 clear pots, 3 of them filled with water and food colouring and 3 of them kept empty. The pots were then all placed in a circle, alternating empty and full pots and then placing a piece of folded up kitchen roll to connect each pot. The children were so fascinated to see the coloured water travel through the kitchen roll and fill the pots that were originally empty. Whilst some of the children went off to play to wait for he process to happen, Max hung back and watched patiently, telling his friends very excitedly when he saw the small amount of water drip through, "Guys quickly, it's finally happening".
The children of course loved playing in the leftover snow after the weekend. As soon as they saw it in the garden, they were very eager to get out and play ! They all got ready in their wet suits and were off as soon as they could. Eloise, Riley and Zachary ran straight over to the biggest patch of clear snow they could find and all at the same time lay down to make some snow angels. Zachary told his friends, ‘I made these at my home with my mummy!’ Eddie then laughed and told Zachary, "But you're not an angel". After playing in the real snow, the children came in and made their own snow, mixing together baking powder, cornflour and water. Ellie said ‘Luckily this isn't as cold as the real snow!’
The children have also taken a keen interest in our new book of the month ‘Dear Zoo’ and have asked for it to be read at many points throughout the day and even started to act it out whilst playing. Mateo and Oscar set up an animal kingdom with the blocks and animals and were telling parts of the story whilst playing.
This past few weeks the toddlers have been reading the book “We’re going on a bear hunt”. They have been learning about our surrounding and the seasonal changes that they see in the book such as grass, water, mud, forests and snow! They have been going on many walks to experience these changes first hand. The toddlers have loved playing football on the grass, Ari shouted “Green grass!” and Zachary said “Swishy swashy” quoting the book. Sadly the toddlers haven’t been in any rivers but the puddles they found, for some, could have easily been swam in! Fabian and Immy fell in the puddles many times. Tiana shouted “Splash!” as she jumped in and out of the water. The toddlers were also able to experience getting stuck in the mud. Leo fell over and his face landed in the mud. Some would cry, but not Leo, who carried on.
The toddlers were even lucky enough to experience SNOW! They had lots of fun running around and listening to the crunch of the snow under their feet as well as looking at the ice. Earlier in the week they were wrapped up nice and warm and went for a walk in the buggies while there was still some snow and ice on the ground. The children pointed and smiled as staff held up pieces of ice for them to see and touch, Zac said “Cold” and Amelia gasped and laughed. They found it particularly funny as the ice was dropped onto the floor and smashed everywhere! Tiana said “More Ice! more ice!” with Eve joining in the chant. Great fun!
The under 2s have been busy playing with the light up shakers. The children loved watching the coloured lights which changed when they were shaken. Chloe was laughing and Alastair said “Wow!” as he held one between his hands, listening to the rattling of beads inside. Finley took one at a time over to the side and he stacked three on top of each other. He attempted a fourth, but it was too tall and tumbled down, Finley said “Uh oh!” then started to rebuild his tower again.
In the garden the babies have been using their gross motor skills to explore the environment. Rafferty liked piling up the wood slices while Sadie and Samuel sorted through the basket of heuristic play, finding sticks, smooth stones and soft crochet balls of different sizes. Chloe and Alastair loved playing peek a boo through the tunnel, crawling through on their tummies and shouting when they came out the other end with excitement once they’d been “found”, then they went back around the outside to do it again.