Pancakes and Chinese New Year at Hampton!


The Children have been exploring different cultures as they took part in some Chinese new year celebrations. They began by tasting some Chinese food, and Xanthe really liked the noodles and said they looked like worms which made the other children laugh. The children also made some lanterns; Zach and Maxwell loved this activity and excitedly choose their colours and discussed their favourites. Zach especially loved it as he got to use the scissors to make cuts, he then went all around the sides, and Maxwell said it looked good! The children also watched a Chinese Dragon dance whilst being taught about the traditions. Sophia and Eve were excited to dance like a dragon and began to move around getting other friends involved. The children also got to taste some tasty pancakes for pancake day, and had a pancake tea party as you can see! The children all chose their toppings of strawberries, honey or lemon on their pancakes. Sophia said “I love pancakes, I have pancakes at my home”.

During a walk to the park the children choose to play a little bit of football, and Ines chased the ball round and round whilst Sophia wanted to kick it away and chase it far away. Ines tried to kick the ball and kicked it very far away making all the children run away and laugh. Hlenhaze ran around the circle of children shouting and encouraging the children to join in and the got some bubbles out to start popping. Varun chased the bubbles and Jasper followed popping the bubbles and saying ‘Pop, pop!’ The children also used the magnifying glasses to find insects, bubbles and even friends! Nyra looked through the magnifying glass and said ‘I spy’ starting a new game. On the way back from nursery the children stomped like dinosaurs to get the mud of their shoes, walking along singing ‘Stomp, stomp, stomp!.’


The younger children have also taken part in Chinese food tasting. Alba really enjoyed the rice and liked to pull the noodles apart, whilst Bodie liked the noodles to slurp up., which he managed very well! On Pancake day Isla and Zayne really liked the strawberries and then they tried to make some pancakes with strawberries in the home corner with them mixing pretend pancakes and strawberries on plates and serving it to the table. Honor and George really liked the sensory bottles as they shook them around and dropped them on the floor again, rolling them by pushing them away. Jessie also liked the sensory bottles as she tried to stack them as tall as she could without knocking them down.

The younger children have also been painting on the easel, and Isla had a fabulous time painting her picture on the paper whilst Lyra preferred to paint the easel and make finger prints in the paint! She then began to high five the parts of the board that hadn’t been painted. Emma and grace liked to play with the balls, Emma got the balls out and threw them across the floor whilst Grace tried to catch them ! The little ones also went on a bear hunt. Jasper, Zayne and Lyra walked through the park going through, mud, grass and muddy puddles mimicking the book whilst they helped to narrate the story. Lyra walked through the grass saying ‘Swish’ whilst swaying sideways and Jasper said ‘Splash!’ going through the puddles. Great fun!