Ducks & Fairy Tales in the Park!
/The older children have been very busy recently. They explored Diwali by making some wonderful firework pictures. Isla pointed out that she was making fireworks, as after each splat of the dabber pen she announced “Fireworks!”. Louis was really happy with his picture, and showed it off proudly. They have also been very busy with messy play with some shiny foam making different shapes and clapping it together. Cianna had a wonderful game of clapping the foam to make snow, which Deliah got involved with as well and told her it was snow and found a new way to spread it around by blowing it. When some went on their noses they laughed and laughed as they tried to shake it off.
The children went to the woods and enjoyed climbing on some fallen logs and cut up tree trunks. George was very eager to get started and climbed on the fallen log and started walking across it. When he started to lose his balance, he would hold on very tight to the log , carefully making sure to not fall and start again! When Charlie reached the top he encouraged all of his friends to join him, as they began to shout “We are so tall!”.
Whilst outside the children have also been caring really well for the animals and wildlife, Oliver and Wilf looked through the leaves to find some bugs that might need help. They didn’t find any bugs but a bug did find our group! A small flying shield bug came and landed on an arm, and Oliver looked at the bug very excitedly and waved saying “Hello!”. Wilf was interested in looking at the bug and learning what he could about it. They discovered it had some wings and they counted the bugs legs together. When it flew off, they flew after it by following its path waving their arms. The children also enjoyed feeding some ducks and birds. Alba really liked the ducks and encouraged Jessie and Bodie to feed them as well. They began to call over more ducks by quacking, and when the ducks came over they excitedly laughed and said “Hello” before feeding them all they could eat.
This week the babies went to a magical land and explored lots of different fairy tales. The babies created their own special houses for the three little pigs. They used a variety of different materials such as felt, foil, feathers, tissue paper. Dora particularly loved the foil. “Shiny!” she said as she stuck down nearly the whole pot of foil! Theo announced “Ta Da!” he said as he held up his masterpiece. Alex loved the fluffy feathers and tried tickling Jamie with them. Honor oinked as he picked up the toy pig and made Luca laugh hysterically. Agnes loved the shiny fabrics and Mabel kissed the pigs as she invited them into her new home and Dora even tried feeding them during her snack time.
During a woodland walk, the babies went on a secret hunt for the fairies in the trees. “Tree” shouted Honor as she ran up to one. Theo laughed and picked up a bunch of fallen leaves and threw them in the air. All the other babies joined in together. Alex climbed on the logs, inviting Rouxx to come join him. Theo found some sticks and banged them together making music for the fairies. “Duck” squealed Luca as a swan swam past. “Quack quack” said Agnes as she pointed to them. “Woof woof” said Honor as a dog ran past. Jamie laughed as Dora kicked the leaves. Mabel shared her special leaf and handed it to Luca.