Autumn and Harvests!
/The big room children have had a wonderful time exploring the world with their different senses, creating lots of art work and playing different games. The children started with some yoga and they moved around in different ways listening to the music as they stretched out. They blew some floaty materials to the music, Sienna shouted over to Sam “Look Sam, this is how it moves! You go!” and then she blew it away. Alba liked the way the feather felt, and she said “Tickle”. Grace gave a huge smile and laughed when Sam bought the feather over and shared it with her.
Adam and Charlie had a bike race, as they wanted to see who could go the fastest. Charlie shouted “We are going fast, I feel fast as he felt the wind rush past his face. After the race the both agreed they both won. Whilst in the woodlands, they explored lots of different textures whilst searching through the leaves and the fallen tree bark. Jessie and Zayne climbed the fallen tree and felt its textures, and agreed that it felt rough. Jessie then took hold of a stick and used that to rub against the tree “Look, its loud!” as she heard the noise it made. The children also looked out over the river, and Deliah noticed a duck and yelled out “Duck! Quack quack” whilst pointing. Ellis saw the fish near the top of the water, she said “There’s fishes. They are eating”. The children spoke about what else is in the water such as the different plants we may see, Abigail noticed the lily pads in the water she told all of her friends “They are lilies. The frogs jump on them”.
In one of the nursery gardens they children picked some fruit. Cianna helped to pick an apple as she twisted it of the tree she said “Ooww” when it twisted off. Oliver loved doing the gardening and picking different food and picked apples for his friends that weren’t able to and offered them out, and also picked some raspberries. Oliver saw his friends and ran over to ask “Can I have a turn now, please?”. Isla helped Oliver pick the raspberries, when she picked them some of them squashed in her hands, she showed her hands and said “Yuck, its squashed!”.
This week in the baby room was very Autumnal. The babies had great fun exploring in bushy park. They all collected conkers and leaves to make a lovely autumn soup! Luca shouted “Conker” as he found a conker hidden between the leaves. Honor picked up a big pile of leaves and threw them up in the air as she shouted “Leaves!” at the top of her voice. Alex ran around the tree as fast as he could having a race with Rouxx and Edward. Rouxx said “Run” to his friends and they all took off! Alex, Theo and Agnes used sticks to mix up a concoction of water and mud using the tree trunk as their bowl. Together they stirred and were amazed with what they have done. “Wow” said Agnes excitedly, whilst Harriet took a different approach and used the sticks to dig up the mud to help alongside them.
Back inside, the babies used what they had collected on the walk to mix together their autumn soup. Alex scrunched up all the leaves in the water, making leaf confetti. Carol tipped in the bag of conkers while Dora used the ladle to give it a big stir. Mary sprinkled in the leaves saying “Wow” as each one fell in. Agnes played with the lemons and even gave them a taste, scrunching her nose up as they were sour. Honor ran over to the water tray shouting “Water!” and began filling the bucket up with the help of Alex. Jamie loved the treasure and gems, placing them into the bucket!