January fun at Hampton
/Happy New Year to everyone! It has been lovely to welcome the children back, and a welcome also to the new children and their families. The children have been busy as usual! Oliver and Sophia created different artwork with lovely cutting and sticking. Oliver finished sticking and decided instead to make a game of rolling the pom poms off the table, which made Sophia laugh and she was eager to join in, and when one fell off Oliver said ‘Uh-oh!’ The children explored colour as they explored the peg boards and sorting dinosaurs, and Varun used the pegs and boards to make wonderful patterns. Meanwhile Zach and William used the dinosaurs and wooden blocks to make a lovely pathway through the nursery.
The Children have also played with some small world models. Jasper much preferred the cars playing with Lyra and Ines on a roadway and car park moving the cars around together, and when they crashed they all laughed and started to push their cars as far away from each other as possible, then rushing back together. Ines said ‘Look, we crashed! Hlenhaze loved the train track and spent a long time building it. Zayne came over to play and accidentally stumbled into and broke the track; however this gave the children a new idea, of racing the train around the track and when it fell off the gap created they would laugh and start again. The Children also went on walks, and on one in the park looked for different flowers pointing them out. They also spotted some tall trees, Alba pointed up and said ‘Ooow’ whilst Isla ran around babbling away. Eve and Xanthe spoke about the tree, and Eve said ‘I want to climb it’, Xanthe replied ‘Climb it? You can’t climb it!’
The babies had a good time on the baby gym. Bodie used the steering wheel to spin around whilst Jessie went down the slide shouting ‘Down!’ They have also enjoyed a light disco, and Emma loved experimenting with the light shakers as crawled around the room. Isla and Alba danced around to the music and Alba said ‘Blue!’ pointing to the blue lights. Well done!