It's a goal!
/The preschool children had a brilliant sports session on the football field. They had great fun kicking the ball into the goal and cheering as it flew past Joe, who was trying his best to defend! They practised kicking and using different momentum, with some children kicking it hard and some using a more gentle touch. The children ran, walked and skipped around the field, carrying a football, searching for the best places to aim their balls at. Some decided to have a go at kicking at the goal and others had a go at kicking the ball to the trees in the distance.
The children have also been digging for dinosaur bones in the garden. Oliver said "We need to dig very far to try and find them!" They pushed their spades deep into the mud, as far as they could go. As they scraped away at the mud, some flew up into the air and a roar of giggles began as it landed on them. There was great interest in the small bugs that they found living in the mud. The children spotted spiders and ants crawling around and watched as they scurried away from them.
This week toddlers have enjoyed playing football in the park with the preschool children. They collected as many footballs as they could before they set off their adventure. When the children got to the park, they started kicking the balls around and Jasper said “Kick, kick, kick”, before chasing after the ball with Scarlett like it was a race! Eloise decided she wanted to try and sit on the ball. She made it into a game where she rolled off of it and then got back on, laughing with excitement! All the children sat together on the grass for a quick snack and rest, before coming back to nursery. Some of them continued to play football in the garden.
The toddlers have also played with dinosaurs in green gloopy-gloop this week! They helped to mix glue, cornflour and green food colouring together, and found it hilarious watching the gloop drip off their fingers. Sienna stamped the dinosaur’s feet through the gloop, making lots of footprints and covering the dinosaur from head-to-toe. She said, “Oh dear, dinosaur!”. The toddlers helped to clean the dinosaurs, using soapy water and sponges. Leo and George had fun getting bubbles on each other’s hands and George said “Pop!”.
The babies have experienced lots of messy play this week. Some loved pushing their fingers into the jelly feeling the cold slimy texture while others needed a little encouragement to try! Zac tried to eat some but did not seem to like it as he pulled a funny face. Amelia, Ari and Zac got very involved with pea messy play. They picked up handfuls of peas and squashed them between their fingers, having an occasional little taste. The babies also had mashed potato to investigate with spoons, toys and their hands. Connie cautiously touched the sticky mixture with one finger, laughed and held it up to show everyone what she was doing.
The babies have enjoyed their walks around Imber Court, seeing the ducks and watching the tractors. During one of our walks a police officer and her horse stopped to talk to them. The babies were very interest watching as the horse swished its tail and bobbed its head around.
The babies have had great fun during the free flow sessions. There was a lot of interaction between the toddlers, preschoolers and babies as they played together with lots of chattering and laughing. Amelia was really keen to go and explore the preschool room, playing happily with some preschoolers and babbling away as they talked to her.