Domino Tumble!
/This week, the preschool children really loved exploring and experimenting with the game of domino tumble. They helped to line up the big wooden blocks around the room and then watched with huge smiles on their faces as the blocks all had toppled each other over. Once they had all been knocked down, Raegan called out, "That was so much fun, let's do it again". Oliver then said, "But that was way too noisy". They all helped each other to stand the blocks up again and repeated the game several times, being careful where they placed them.
Also this week preschool have been talking and learning about various types of transport and how we get to nursery in the morning. Olivia said, "I come to nursery on an aeroplane" and grinned. The children laughed at Olivia and Lily told Olivia, "No, you go on holiday on an aeroplane, not to nursery". They went and built roads with the blocks and raced cars around the airport in the construction corner. Callum said, "Now we can go to nursery in the cars".
This week the toddlers have been explorers! The toddlers were shown how to use the magnifying glasses bringing them up to their eyes and looking through them. Benjamin and Jasper listened to instructions beautifully and then took their magnifying glasses around the garden to see what they could find. All the toddlers used the magnifying glasses in the garden to search for mini beasts and to find some toy creepy crawlies. Ada looked through hers and saw a ‘Green flower’. Isabelle kept laughing as she looked through hers.
The toddlers have also been digging for buried treasure in the sand pit. They listened well to a story about pirates coming to our nursery and hiding their treasure here to keep it safe. The pirates left a clue saying the treasure was left in the sand pit. Some of the toddlers got spades and started digging to see what they could find. Oscar really enjoyed digging and was delighted when he found a car. Scarlett found a “Shoe” and tried to put it on her foot over the top of her wellies. Jacob just kept digging to see if he could get to the bottom of the sand pit while repeating over and over “Dig, dig, dig!”.
The babies have had fun playing with the messy cornflour this week, Connie and Wren particularly enjoyed pushing the cars and trucks through the sticky mixture, Some of the babies tried having a taste of it and others found it hilarious throwing the mixture around, resulting in covering themselves, the walls and the staff! Frankie enjoyed splashing with her hands and babbling to her friends.
The babies have been being creative with paint using paint brushes, fingers and feet. A lot of them got very messy while enjoying the sensory experience. Frankie and Jonathan both seemed to like the taste and had pink paint around their mouths.
The babies loved going to see the ducks during one of our walks to the duck pond. Amelia and Ari both started saying "Duck duck", pointing to the ducks as they swam around and ate the bread. The babies watched intently as a couple of the ducks in the stream were collecting sticks to make their nests and chasing each other across the water. Some of the babies were interested in the dogs that were playing in the field and watching the tractor as it slowly went past.