Growing at Hampton


This week the children have enjoyed a considerable time exploring the garden. They have hidden in the bamboo den whcih is great funa sthey are hardly visible and so enjoy jumping out saying ‘Boo!’ to each other. They looked at some of growing fruits, incluidng raspberries, strawberries and apples, smelling them with Damon saying 'Yum!'. Using different materials such as wooden planks, branches and the cargo net the children made a further den. Hlenhaze and Xanthe both hid in the dens, popping their heads out slightly shouting 'boo' and giggling when they came came back into the den and had a small dance. Thomas and Zach looked into the pond pointing saying Look, fish' whe they spotted them. Meanwhile Douglas and Ines used some watering cans to water the growing beds. Douglas poured his water over the strawberries and said 'This will help them grow'. We plan to plant garlic, onions peas and spinach in the next few days!


The babies have had a sensory exploration week, they explored different objects with different textures such as brushes and carpet samples, Jonathan even ran the carpet through his hair after being shown how to use a hairbrush! Lyra and Jasper felt the texture of some cooked rice as Lyra squashed it in her hands and quickly shook it off, making jasper and some of the other children laugh. They have enjoyed an autumn walk in Carlisle Park, and collected some leaves.