Our favourite stories at Molesey


This week Pre-school have been talking about their favourite stories and the ones they like to read. Lily spoke excitedly about "The tiger who came for tea". " Did you know he eats all the food - even the plate! " and started to giggle. Joshua responded by roaring loudly and said " Gruffalo!". The children then drew pictures of their favourite stories. Max drew a picture and said "I'm writing my own book about a tree".  The children have also been physical this week and took part in yoga. They practiced balancing and slithered around like snakes. Ida balanced on one foot and said "I'm all wobbly!" and started to laugh as her foot touched the ground which prompted her friends to laugh and start to wobble with her. Albie joined in with the boys; " Look we can do it too!"


This week the toddlers have been focusing on mark marking. The children have been exploring different materials such as playdough to make marks using cutters and rollers. Ada cleverly announced the colour of each playdough cutter she used while making a cupcake. The toddlers were also using crayons and pencils to improve their pincer grasp to hold their writing tools. The toddlers also used cotton wool to make textured marks with paint which created a lovely big mess but also a lot of smiles!

The babies have enjoyed their walks around Imber Court and stopped for some snack and also fed the ducks at the river. They smiled at the ducks as they came to see them. They collected some leaves and twigs and used them to make Autumn pictures. They had great fun making a mess hand painting to make hedgehogs.