Dinosaur café at Hampton!


This week the children visited the nursery Dinosaur café, and were fascinated by all the dinosaurs they could see.  They decided to feed the dinosaurs as well as each other! Amelia pointed out a dinosaur who was hiding behind some pine cones, and laughed and said, “He’s looking at me!”. William began to roar like a dinosaur much to Sienna’s amusement. She giggled and said, “It’s scary” and put her hands over her eyes. They sat down together and served dishes such as dinosaur soup and porridge!

The children created their own story through talk for writing, and made their own version of the 3 little pigs, Darcey and Elara chanted “ Little pig, little pig, let me come in”. Robyn became very excited and responded with “ The big bad wolf is coming to get you piggies!”. This prompted much laughter.

The babies explored ice with interest using their hands, and a few of them even wanted to eat it! Ines placed her hand in and giggled, she then pulled her hand out quickly! Norah-Mae spotted the ice and said “It looks like snow; you can make snowmen”. Some of the babies explored the coloured dinosaurs by filling up pots and using the pincers to pick them up. Thomas began to stamp his feet with excitement as he spotted a pot full of dinosaurs and began to make his way over to play with them.