The Gruffalo at Molesey


This week the children have all been enjoying ‘The Gruffalo’ theme where they have taken part in many different Gruffalo activities throughout. Toddlers and pre school have enjoyed exploring our new water trays and mud kitchen In the outside area where they have been making Gruffalo Crumble. Ezra said “We need some chocolate chips” as he scooped up the bark placing it into the bowl stirring. Whilst Peter said “How about some porridge oats?” whilst using a bucket full of sand. They have shown great imagination whilst being very curious with the different textures they have been mixing together. The children have taken part in a Gruffalo walk around the garden where they noticed different footprints in the sand area and within the bark whilst trying to find the Gruffalo, fox and mouse. Albie said “I think he is being a cheeky one hiding!” as they all ran into the wooden house to hide! 


They have been for a lovely walk around Imber court this week enjoying the sunshine whilst they were collecting daisies, leaves and twigs to take back to nursery to make Gruffalo textured pictures. Ella counted “1,2,3” as she picked up the daisies smiling. 

The sound of the week is ‘I’ and the children have been sounding out the letter during carpet time and writing the letter in the air using their fingers to show great control. They found different textured letter ‘I’ in pasta and oats and had fun crunching them together while they searched. 

Babies have had a great week exploring and taking part in different activities throughout where they have been experimenting with different textures materials. Julien has really enjoyed painting with the cars pushing them back and forth on the paper to make wheel marks whilst getting extra messy. Some of the other little ones have enjoyed exploring within the farm Tufty tray picking out the hay laughing as they picks up the different animals. They have taken part in music and movement this week where they have been using different musical instruments, singing different nursery rhymes.