Nature Soup!


The children have been making nature soup this week. They used water in the tray, adding various natural materials such as leaves and sticks. The children put their aprons on with Douglas saying "We can't get ourselves wet. We will smell like our soup!" They discussed how they were chefs in a restaurant and were very busy. Elara exclaimed "We are so busy, lets hope it cooks in time for people to eat!" They gathered some more children to help them, giving them little jobs to do. Jasmin said "If we all help, we can do it very quickly!" Once all the ingredients were mixed in, they waited a few minutes until Darcey shouted "Everybody! Quick it’s ready to go but it's hot. Be careful!" They found some bowls and served it to their friends - great fun!


This week the babies have been playing with the gerbils, Thomas loves watching the gerbils through the glass however when it came to touching the gerbils he was a little more cautious watching them and moving away. Emily saw the gerbil and shouted ‘Mouse!’ Whilst James was happy to stroke it and giggled . Ines bought in her lovely George pig and they spoke about the puddles outside. They decided to enjoy the rain like Peppa and George and jump in them. Ines and Freddie did great jumping and splashing and even held hands and looked up into the sky to see the droplets and feel the rain giggling to one another.