St Marys Church visit


The children visited the church this week for a lovely Easter activity service. They were very excited to join in, chatting away on the walk there. As they arrived, they were lead into the chapel where they were told the story of Easter. The children joined in with songs, dancing away and showing their amazing moves! They participated in a cross hunt, searching high and low to be the first to find one. Sienna spotted one in the mini chapel and said "There's one!" Showing the vicar, who was very impressed. "There's a golden one. It's very beautiful!" Amelia said proudly. Once the game had finished, they sat down for a tasty hot cross bun and a refreshing glass of orange juice. "Found another one!" Shouted Matilda, pointing to the cross on her bun. The children also decorated their own stain glass window, using bright colours to make them stand out.


This week the babies have explored and manipulated playdough. They began by making the playdough in the sensory tray combining a variety of materials both wet and dry for a sensory experience. James poured the flour into the tray and spilled a little on the floor, "Uh-oh" Emily says and laughs. Freddie then began squeezing the flour and oil mixture together between his fingers and watched it ooze out, "Yuck" Ines says. The activity continued in the garden as you can see although the Millie preferred to throw the flour up in the air "Wheeeeee" she giggled. Rowan and Jack also had a go feeling and poking at the playdough with Jack trying to eat some thinking it was snack time. Joshua decided to get some leaves from the tree and combine  them with his playdough to which Ines joined in and tried to use a stick as her rolling pin.

We have also begun some festive Easter activities with the babies trying to find our toy bunnies around the room. Xanthe cleverly ducked down and giggled as she found the bunny hiding under the slide! Emily found lots of bunnies and collected them all in her hands with James helpfully picking them up as she dropped them.