Let's hide!
/The children have been involved in many Forest school activities this week. They visited Carlisle park and had a race from one end of the park to the other! They were instructed to race from tree to tree, cheering loudly as they went. Matilda said "I can't run anymore I might need the toilet !" As they reached the loggery, they chose sticks of various sizes and decided to poke around the open spaces in the logs. Joshua held his stick and said "I found a small bug, he’s grey. You can't see him very well" They continued to explore through the trees, moving branches to find out what was inside. They have also been building their own Tipi in the outdoor nature garden. They held pieces of bamboo together, while it was tied together with string. Once finished, the children took sticks under with them and started rubbing to make a campfire. Some of the children turned over a bit of tree bark and found woodlice crawling around. Alexander said "Look they are very fast!" Robyn replied "Yes they are running away!" Together they observed where the woodlice went at high speed heading for cover.
The babies and toddlers have been exploring the world of animals . This began with a puppet show using different animals and the children making the sounds to match. Joshua had a great time roaring with the lion and barking with the dog, and others were squealing in delight, waiting for the next animal to appear! This was followed by a walk in the park, and the little ones sang and acted out our Walking through the Jungle song.Emily barked when she saw a dog, and the others joined in. Back at nursery they made lions using glue and various coloured tissue papers. Thomas preferred to simply spread the glue, whilst Ines tore the paper into strips ready for collage. James decided to throw the paper up in the air which started a big game and all the children followed suit, laughing away. Great fun!