/The children have been mixing, weighing and measuring to make magic potions. They wrote recipes on the floor using magic chalk. ‘I think the witches won’t be able to read our magic recipe’ said Joshua as it was a busy message. Amelia chose parsley and sugar for the unicorns, and Douglas decided they need to mix it up with lots of mountain water. They also used leaves sticks soil and small stones to mix further potions, which were transported all around the garden. They wanted to cross a bridge, but before they did decided they needed wellies. ‘ Be careful not to spill any’ said Sienna as they went along the way. When they had finished they were very careful to match up the wellies in the correct pairs in very neat lines. ‘Well done!’ encouraged Isla to her friends.
The babies have been exploring a variety of materials this week in their new sensory tray. They explored soil , feeling the fine grain texture between their fingers , with William shaking it off to lots of giggles! They have also played with sand and leaves, , looking for hidden treasure. ‘Wow!’ said Emily when she discovered a silver egg cup, and was then very keen to do some more with Thomas helping. They later cleaned up with a tray full of water using cups , with Xanthe missing the tray and spilling the water all over the floor with a very concerned expression indeed. This was until Ines laughed and said ‘Uh-oh’ pointing at the puddle on the floor. Another time they had great fun examining the iced animals which where floating in the water. James and Millie tried very hard to free them by pulling at the animals and rubbing the ice, and were very happy when they succeeded as the ice melted.