

This week the children had their sparkler party. They spoke about how to keep themselves safe with Eve pointing out "You can't touch them". The children were very excited about using the sparklers and having a glo band in the dark. Molly spun around excitedly showing everybody hers and Douglas held his hands up and said "I'm glowing, I'm glowing! ‘ . During the event the children were fascinated by the sparkling lights and were quite eager for a turn. Xanthe smiled as she moved her sparkler around and Zachary made shapes saying "Circle" each time he waved the sparkler around. The babies also joined with fun, with Jasper smiling from ear to ear as held the sparkler with mum.

The children have been exploring the sensory room in the gloom inside, and used the light box to look at various shapes. The children moved the shapes along the box, Isla pointed out her favourite colour was pink and began to chant "Pink, pink, pink". This caused everyone to talk about what colours they could see and what shapes they could find. William held his hand over the top saying "I can see my hand ".


This week the babies have been collecting and exploring leaves. Lyra felt the texture by scrunching the leaves in her hand and smiling. The older babies threw some of the leaves in to the air and watched them fall to the ground. They then stamped about on the , listening to the crunchy sounds underneath. They have been involved in various sensory activities this week . Oliver used his fingers to poke the play dough and Abigail used her hands to explore the bubbles waving her around in the water to make a splashing movement. The more the bubbles moved, the more Abigail began to splash!