/Happy New Year to Everyone !
The children wanted to make a campfire this week. They worked extremely hard to gather firewood ‘ To make the perfect fire!’ said Elara. Joshua said ’We need food to cook on our fire!’, which prompted the others to look for anything suitable in the vegetable patch. ‘ I’ve found some!’ declared Sienna as she held up some tomatoes then gently placed them into the pan to cook. The children also hunted for bugs, and made dens. They love our indoor Forest School Classroom in Carlisle Park where the woodwork was very popular , with kind displays of older children assisting the younger ones as you can see. ‘ We are getting very good at building fires!’ announced Jasmin.
The babies and toddlers have been exploring the new wooden musical instruments. The large rainmaker was very poplar; Zach and Emily watched in amazement as the wooden balls fell through the various levels making a loud pitter-patter sound. Hlenhaze roared and smiled, and Eve couldn’t wait to have a turn; and so excited when she did! Xanthe and James have been painting this week, with Xanthe deciding it was more fun to paint all around the easel rather than the paper supplied, and James preferring his hands!