Beetroot and ice cream!


As the weather as been so hot recently, the children were discussing ways to keep cool, including eating ice creams. They used ice cream cones and used shaving foam to fill them to sell in their ice cream shop. They added food colours for flavours and sold them to the staff team members ‘ 50p please ! ‘ said Amelia as she sat at the till.

They have harvested the beetroot, cutting and shredding it for afternoon tea. ‘ My hands are red !’ said Joshua. They have also picked a few raspberries which were promptly eaten, and added nasturtiums to the salad. Jonah wondered whether the beans were ready, and found out not just yet, and David was very interested in the snail he found.  ‘Snails eat the leaves!’ 

The babies and toddlers went to the park and enjoyed playing football. They kicked it as far as they could to have a chase! At one point Eve ran away with the ball to hide it from the others, and they laughed and giggled so much chasing after her! Some of the older children came over to greet them as they were in the park, and helped the toddlers find their way around.

They have colour mixed the paints on the large tray , before painting on the easel. They love to get messy as you can see! William even had a go at painting the floor! They then used cars to push through the paint and made marks on paper. Jenson was more interested at painting the whole car and did a very good job!