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The children made a shelter from the wind and rain this week in the garden ‘Wow, it’s like real camping!’ said Jasmin. They decided to use the Walkie Talkies ‘ In case we need an emergency’ Zac informed his friends. They then decided to lie down inside. ‘ If you are really tired , you can lie in our extra tired bed!’ kindly announced Elara. The camping theme continued in the Tadpoles building in the park. The children decided to cut up and cook their morning snack on the ‘campfire’. ‘To make sure its hot’ Arthur told everyone. Some of the boys made a look out tower ‘ To look for foxes, birds and doggies !’ said Theo. After an active morning , the children took part in a calming and very funny playdough disco session as you can see! The children squeeze and manipulate the dough into shapes and forms to music.


The babies and toddlers have been exploring their senses. They began by listening to music, and finding out ways to make their own, such as using blocks for a beat. Eve started this off by banging the blocks together rather than clapping and soon the other little ones followed suit. They then used drums, and shared beautifully, with Freddie attempting to bang the drum as hard as he could to make a far louder sound! Xanthe on the other hand took the gentle approach. Next was exploring the shaving foam with spices and herbs added. Zach smelt the ginger and pulled a funny face repeating the word ‘Yucky!’ Emily managed to get foam and herbs on her nose, with Ines clapping her hands full of foam all around the room! This made a lovely smell, and the others joined in calling out ‘Yay!’ and an ‘Oh no!’ from Joshua.