Whatever Next !
/The children have had an exciting adventure this week! They have been to the moon in their colander space helmets and cardboard box rocket whilst re-enacting the story ‘ Whatever Next!’. They used wellies as space boots and went shopping in the new outdoor shop for items to take on the journey ‘ For our picnic in case we get hungry!’ said Jasmin. When they landed on the moon they had a wonderful picnic, made from the gourds, conkers and mud to make pies and cakes, and using a giant teapot to make Autumn tea whilst they were there!
The babies have had an exciting teddy bear picnic with their friends in a den! They crawled underneath and used real food such as fruits and vegetables. Zach tried to feed one of the teddies with a carrot, and rolled the melon along just like a ball! Xanthe used the wooden spoons to hit the cup like a drum and laughed and smiled as the sounds. They have also taken part in a dance to encourage large scale movements with colourful lightweight scarves, which were thrown into the air. William chose blue and was so proud to tell everyone! Ines hid beneath her scarf and suddenly jump out as if playing peek-a-boo! Great fun!