Campfires & Ice!
/Over the last couple of weeks, the pre school children have really engaged themselves in camping imaginative play. A group of children had been for a walk around the nursery grounds and worked very well together to collect as many sticks as they could possibly hold on to. They were so excited to get back to nursery and show their friends how well they had done with their stick collection. Youcef suggested to his friends, “How about we put them in the camp fire” and guided his friends straight over to our campfire area in the garden. They threw all of the sticks in to the middle and then took a seat around the edge and just waited for a moment, in silence, smiling at each other. Sadie then laughed and asked, “What are we waiting for now?” Flo then explained, “First we need to wait for the fire to heat up and then maybe we can toast some marshmallows”. A several more seconds went past and Rowan instigated the children all collecting a stick and pretending to place the end of the stick over the camp fire area. Isabelle very sensibly reminded her friends that, “The sticks might be hot, don’t touch them just yet’. Once the children had pretended to eat their marshmallows, Margot said to her friends, “Shall we go for a little walk now before it’s our bed time?” This seemed like a good idea and all of the children set off on a little walk around the garden before heading to the tree house to settle down. Once they got there, Lana said, “Come on everyone, it’s time for a sleep”. They all covered themselves with the blankets, getting cosy together and Sadie read them a bed time story.
One frosty morning, Alfie had noticed that there was ice formed on the surface of one of the tuff trays. He at first used a spatula with an attempt to make lines in the ice. He was enjoying this until he noticed that Madan was using his fingers and it was more noticeable to see the lines. Using his finger, Alfie asked, “Can you do my name?” When a teacher wrote down Alfie’s name for him to try and copy, Alfie then successfully wrote his name with his finger along the ice. This caught the attention of many other friends who were all enjoying making their own pictures and name writing in the ice. Tom laughed after a few moments and said, “It’s too cold on my fingers, now we need some gloves”. The children then went around the garden, finding more places to do some mark making.