We’re so excited to have you as part of the Molesey Team!
Before you arrive on your first day, it’s key that you read the following information.
Staff Sickness & Absence Procedure
Child Behaviour Policy
Staff Behaviour Policy
Mobile Phone & Social Networking
Holiday Entitlement
Job Description + Key Performance Indicators
Basic Staff Procedures
Staff members have a duty to conform to the Nursery written policies and written job description and to accept and carry out their responsibilities in these areas.
Under the Health and Safety at work Act 1974, it is the duty of all employees to conform to policy and safety codes of practice and to accept and carry out their responsibilities in this area.
All new staff need to complete health questionnaire, provide references, complete a DBS check, DC2, and complete a form P45 or P46 as minimum. You will have been given these forms as paper copies after your interview.
New Staff Training/Paperwork/Reviews
All new employees have access to copies of the Employee Handbook which contains all policies and procedures. Daily feedback is given during the first two weeks of induction.
Staff will be trained in Manual Handling and Health and Safety on their first day.
Contract of employment to be given by employer on day of entry.
Regular and Annual performance reviews are carried out and at the probation review date (minimum 4 months after joining). Regular reviews at least every 3 months with management. Probations (trial periods) are 4 months with review in between and then subject to extension if necessary.
Regular Staff CPD is mandatory. It will be agreed between the manager and the staff member at the end of the probationary period to which minimum level the staff member will be required to gain a professional childcare qualification, if not previously agreed at interview. The minimum mandatory courses are safeguarding, first aid and food hygiene. Copies of certificates must be given to the manager to be kept in your individual files. The course costs are borne by the company.
Salary will be paid at your usual rate, for courses attended during your usual working hours as well as courses attended outside these hours.
You will be paid 1 hours pay for online courses such as those from NDNA & Food Hygiene.
You will be paid one days pay at the usual rate for First Aid courses.
The costs of the courses will be paid for by the Company and staff will not be required to pay back the cost of the courses on termination of employment. The exception to this is First Aid courses taken during your probationary period, the course cost of which must be paid back to the Company if you leave within your probationary period. The cost of your time during the courses is paid for, only providing the course is completed within the agreed time scale. Late completion of courses will result in you not being paid for your time spent completing them.All online courses such as food hygiene and safeguarding are expected to be completed within one week of your acceptance of the course codes (food hygiene) or link you acknowledge (other courses). Failure to complete within one week means you will be charged at the current rate by the course trainers. You are advised when the course is confirmed what the charge will be. Your wages in the nearest pay period following the course will be deducted with this fee.
CRB and DBS costs will also be covered by the Company.
The Company reserves the right to deduct the cost of this application from your final full month’s salary, should you leave within one year of the CRB or DBS application.All training courses are subject to a charge if they are not cancelled with a minimum of 3 days (usually). If you fail to attend a course and do not cancel, you will be charged at the current rate by the course trainers. You are advised when the course is confirmed what the charge will be. Your wages in the nearest pay period following the course will be deducted with this fee.
Staff meetings are mandatory and are paid at the usual rate, including weekly early morning planning and SEN meetings.
Extra hours (E.G: parent evenings, birthday parties) will be paid at the usual rate.
Any overtime is not compulsory and will be paid at your usual rate.Wages to be paid direct into a bank / building society account monthly on last Friday every month in arrears. Staff to complete timesheets daily.
Staff must arrive at work at least 5 minutes before their start time to be ready to work at their allocated start time. Late attendance will be regarded as a breach of discipline and dealt with accordingly. This is to maintain staff ratios and to enable other staff to have their break. You must phone or text the duty manager if you are going to be late.
You must attend work punctually at the specified times. Lateness in attending work more than once a week, or on more than three times in a month may lead to disciplinary action and/or loss of appropriate payment. Any absence must be notified in accordance with the procedures set down in the Employee Handbook. If you fail to do this it may result in disciplinary action and/or loss of payment. All absence from work, including leaving before the normal finishing time is treated as unauthorised and may result in disciplinary action unless you are given express permission to be absent.
Practice & Procedures
The Nursery is strictly a no smoking zone. This includes the street directly outside and to the side of the premises. You must smoke out of sight of the premises. Please ensure you wash your hands and freshen your breath as a minimum before your shift if you do smoke. Please do not wear uniform when smoking anywhere in public to avoid passive smoking; it also does not promote the nursery as the company would like. Parents, other staff and children do not appreciate the smell!
Staff must not consume or be under the influence of alcohol, illicit drugs or other illegal substances on or near nursery premises.
The Nursery phone must not be used for personal calls, received or made, unless in an emergency. Deductions will be made from salary to cover the cost of any personal calls.
Please refer any problems / issues to the duty manager in the first instance, who will refer the matter to the Director if necessary. This includes complaints by parents, which should immediately be referred to your line manager and not dealt with by you.
The nursery garden including equipment must be kept in a clean and tidy condition at all times.
Please communicate reminders and messages on the room pads and diaries. Contact Fay by email or call if urgent.
Manager on duty to inform Fay of any issues with children / parents / staff daily by telephone or by email.
Babysitting for parents (customers) of the Nursery is prohibited.
A professional distance / approach with customers/ parents is mandatory.
Professional = a good appearance, friendly, helpful, polite and courteous at all times. Be attentive and WELCOMING when at the door. Be friendly but not friends with parents. Meeting parents socially, taking parents / children into your own homes or visiting their homes is not permitted or appropriate.Please avoid nicknames for the children. Ask parents the name they wish their child to be called by.
You must sit at the table with the children whilst they are eating and supervise very closely. Ensure children always have food and drink, and individual plates , and eating at tables.
You must directly supervise children handwashing and brushing teeth.
Children must have access to water inside and out at all times.
Check your emails and texts daily and respond to company ones on the day received.
As a keyworker, child developmental records (Tapestry Records) must be kept up to date.
Food/drink brought in must be eaten in the staff areas out of sight of the children.
Flasks must be used for hot drinks and kept out of reach of children.
No chewing gum please.In the interests of safeguarding, there is CCTV in all rooms and outdoor areas which records all nursery activity including staff 24 hours a day with the exception of the toilets and changing areas.
Molesey Day Nursery Ltd accepts no responsibility for any personal items lost or damaged whilst on the premises.
What else do I need to know?
Always maintain staff ratios and arrange for someone to cover if you need to leave the area, especially outside.
There must be always a minimum of 2 staff outside, and in the baby room if there are 4 or more babies.
Big room – manager will advise as the situation arises.Get down to the child’s level and engage with them. Ask if you are not sure what to do next.
We love initiative: Please do offer to do the tasks and what needs to be done next.
Put toys away in correct place please and encourage children to tidy as they go.
Table hygiene – spray before and after meals / snacks with bactericide.
Look at dates of food, milk etc and throw away if out of date.
There are different mops / buckets for different areas – check the label before you use.
Different cloths for different cleaning jobs.
When changing nappies, make sure another member of staff is with you if there are babies in the room with you – especially important at changing times.
Check toilet areas regularly – each time you pass and keep hygienic.
Toys to be put away after each use to keep area less cluttered and dangerous.
Water play must be supervised at all times and children must have aprons on – 4 children at a time maximum.
Security and Safety
Outer door to be shut at all times.
Inner double doors – to be kept shut and use the combination lock.
Always identify people by SIGHT and not by their voice.
When letting adults out of the building, keep other children AWAY from the door.
When answering the door, keep children away from the area – they must not leave their rooms
If someone arrives and you do not know who they are:
Ask the other staff if they know the person before you open the door with the buzzer
If they are not known, do not press the buzzer- use the intercom to ask who they are.
Explain to the person they may not enter until you are satisfied of their identity. This may mean phoning a parent, or checking identification, for example.Make people wait outside. Only allow entry if they are collecting a child for example. If they want any information, make them wait outside.
If no-one knows the caller, do not allow entry. (may be a prospective parent on a visit so check with deputy or manager.)
If the unknown caller has come to collect without a password do not allow in and call the parent to confirm.
Get ID from visitors such as OFSTED etc and get visitors book signed BEFORE access inside
Be polite at all times, even if people may get angry. They usually calm down quickly once they realise why we are being careful.
When out on walks:
Children to be strapped into buggies or attached by straps if walking.
If you walk on the estate/ local parks - children may be allowed out of the buggies, and released from their straps, but kept within say 6 feet of the buggies – no more. Dogs etc may be a danger
Take mobile phone if you have one, first aid kit, tissues, nappies, wipes minimum
If not using buggies – hold children’s hands at all times. Do not let go. If in park you may let go but keep child within 6 feet.
If walking groups of children - children must be in pairs, holding hands, no running. Staff at front and back of the line.
Accepting and Storing Medicines
The following procedure must be followed. The nursery Manager is responsible to ensure this procedure is complied with. In her/his absence, a delegated deputy will be appointed.
Subject to the procedures below:
We will accept prescribed medicines.
We will accept non-prescribed medication such as teething gel, hay fever medicine, cough medicine, nappy rash cream, homeopathic remedies- will be agreed individually – follow procedures below
We will not routinely administer Calpol under any circumstances. It is a painkiller and if a child is in pain, they need to be home.
Medicine should be:
A. In the original container as dispensed by the pharmacy.
B. Labelled with the child’s name, with the amount and times for dosage.
C. Be in date.
D. Have written information on any possible side effects. – need manufacturers info leaflet.
1. Complete medication form fully completed and signed and check child has been given the medicine before and when dose has been given.
2. If the child has not had the medicine previously we will not administer in case of allergic reaction.
3. Store medicine away immediately.
4. Medicine should be kept in the labelled medicine box in the kitchen, or in the fridge in the kitchen, according to the instructions on the label of the medicine.
5. Each child’s medicine must be kept separately, clearly labelled.
6. Ensure the storage areas are clean and tidy
7. Ensure all medicines are returned at the end of the day.
8. Remember – never store medicines in a child’s bag or within reach of children.
Administration of Medicines
1. To be administered by nominated staff members only, and WITNESSED.
2. Wash hands beforehand
3. Ensure it is the correct child and sit them up comfortably !
4. Follow precise instructions on medication form – dosage, time to be given etc
5. Shake the bottle if necessary and use a 5ml spoon or syringe.
6. Record the time given and print your name and sign the form
7. Ensure your witness prints their name and signs the form
8. Offer the child a drink of water afterwards
9. Return form and medication to correct places.
10. Never give the medicine to another child.
11. Never leave medicine unattended.
12. Ensure antibiotics are given as directed. E.eg with food, before food etc.
13. If a child refuses or doesn’t receive the full dose of medicine, e.g. if they spit it out, this will be noted and parents informed. If refusal results in an emergency the nursery’s accident/incident procedure will be followed..
Sickness Absence / Absence
Sickness: On the first day you must do 2 things:
1) Phone the setting and ask to speak to the person in charge and text Fay on the first day at least two hours minimum before your shift starts to notify reason for absence and, if possible, the likely date of return.
2) Daily thereafter; by 3pm – text Fay again and phone the setting and ask for the person in charge with your progress. This includes the day before you return to work.
If you do not contact us you will be presumed absent and your position will be covered. You must not report for work if you have Diarrhoea or sickness for a period of 48 hours from when you were last ill. Please do not prepare food for the children for a further 24 hours upon your return, as an additional safeguard. The Nursery operates the Statutory Sick Pay scheme. Failure to comply with above procedure could render you liable for disciplinary action.
You must complete a return to work questionnaire first thing on your return day after any sickness absence.
Staff must inform their line manager on their first shift if they are taking medication which may affect their ability to take care of children. If in any doubt – please inform your line manager in any event.
The Company operates the Statutory Sick Pay scheme.
The Company reserve the right not to pay sick pay if you fail to comply with the relevant statutory and Company rules regarding the provision of evidence of illness or the absence reporting procedure.
If your sickness or injury is or appears to be occasioned by actionable negligence, nuisance or breach of your statutory duty, you shall immediately notify the line manager or most senior person available. The Company reserves the right to treat this under the Disciplinary procedures where the Company believes such absence will cause a detrimental effect to the delivery of its business.
Please refer to the Employee Handbook for full details.
Behaviour is a form of communication. What we need to understand is what we are being told.
Our reactions to challenging behaviour have an enormous impact on how a situation develops. Almost always, the emotions and feelings behind challenging behaviour are acceptable. Children have the right to feel angry, threatened, confused and worried, and we need to let children know this.
We also need to let children know that they are valued and cared for, even when they are in the throes of powerful emotions, which they don’t always feel in control of themselves – which is a frightening feeling for children or adults!
We need to support children in managing these overwhelming emotions, while helping them communicate them in an acceptable way. In other words we need to name emotions ‘ I can see you are feeling very angry....How can I help you?’
We aim to support and empower children. We do this by promoting positive behaviour. Our code of behaviour is :
üBe kind and friendly
ü Be helpful and thoughtful
ü Keep yourself and others safe
We therefore help children to understand what these rules mean e.g.’ You were kind helping Fred put on his coat’ , ‘You are being so helpful sweeping up the sand’ , ‘Are you keeping people safe if you wave that stick around?’
The reward from such positive behaviour is the benefit of belonging to a community and the active support and joy that brings.
We want children to realise without physical rewards that its nice to be nice. We have a better and more fulfilled life by behaving well towards each other. We achieve this by:
• • Using gym session, parachute activities, circle times and focussed activities to help teach positive behaviour
• • There are opportunities throughout the day for children to listen and be listened to in groups and alone
• • There are opportunities throughout the day for sustained independent play and clearly planned adult directed activities. Children are able to become deeply engrossed in activities that interest and motivate them.
• • Adults will ask each other for help –all staff are responsible for all the children , not just keyworkers
• • Staff will :
Watch incidents clearly before they intervene
Use specific praise as a matter of course ( many more positives than negatives)
Use a range of interactions including distraction, encouragement.
Being a facilitator rather than a police officer – supporting a resolution, while remaining clear
We aim to resolve situations by being clear and non-judgemental, e.g asking a child who has been hurt what they wanted done to put things right such as fetch a tissue, give back a toy.
Saying ‘Sorry’
We do not demand a child say sorry as it can become a knee jerk reaction , a convenient way to get the adult off your back more that displaying any real intention for making amends
Resolutions are made when children have calmed down, in ‘thinking time’. This means a short spell away from the other children with an adult who will explain that such behaviour is unacceptable, will always be stopped, and that there is nothing wrong with the feelings themselves, only the way they were expressed. It is explained that the child is still wanted and valued and adult help will be available to help the child avoid such behaviour in the future.
We will share information with parents if behaviour causes concern, and we will deal with situations. We will continue to monitor your child’s behaviour and involve you in supporting your child.
Extra guidance for staff
One chance and explain WHY
Circle time should be 10 MINS unless enjoyed by all, so not too long
Children must go out often = physical activity improves concentration etc. Make outside interesting with cosy areas etc. Ask the children what they want outside
Get down to child’s level
No shouting
Swearing- make clear it is not acceptable ‘ We don’t use that word here’
Avoid negative attention = always praise good behaviour
Distract children if you can see a situation arising = prevention
Children must deal with the consequences of their actions e.g. clearing up their mess, removing toys/equipment form them if they cant treat it properly
Circle time problems:
Doing circle time after children have already been sitting – so plan it differently
Usually children will not sit and you will not have their attention if they find the content boring so......Make it INTERESTING!!
If the majority are interested..........
Sit child directly in front of you or remove, or try to include them with more responsibility e.g helping to turn the pages or make up stories WITH the children
Don’t make empty threats!
Staff behaviour policy
This policy sets out clear guidance on the standards of behaviour and appearance expected from all staff employed at The Hamptons Day nursery Ltd. This includes staff at the Tadpoles Nursery and the Molesey Day Nursery site. The principles underlying the guidance aim to encourage staff to achieve the highest possible standards of conduct and minimise the risk of inappropriate conduct occurring.
Nursery staff are in a unique position of trust and influence as role models for children. Therefore, staff must adhere to behaviour that sets a good example to all children within the nursery school.
Staff also have an individual responsibility to maintain their reputation and the reputation of the nursery school, both inside and outside working hours and work setting.
This policy applies to all staff and volunteers in the school regardless of their position, role or responsibility. References to ‘staff’ throughout the policy relate to all of the following groups:
A) All members of staff including teaching and support staff
B) Volunteers
C) Casual workers, supply staff
D) Student placements, including those undertaking initial teacher training and apprentices.
The Hamptons Day Nursery Ltd requires that all staff have read and agree to comply with this policy. Breach or failure to observe this policy will result in action being taken under the Nursery disciplinary procedures including, but not limited to, dismissal.
This code of conduct is not an exhaustive list of acceptable and unacceptable standards of behaviour. In situations where guidance does not exist in this policy staff are expected to exercise their professional judgement and act in the best interests of the children and the nursery.
Professional Behaviour and Conduct
Staff are expected to demonstrate the highest possible standards of personal and professional conduct and behaviour and consistently act with honesty and integrity. The Hamptons Nursery expects staff to treat each other, children, parents and the wider community with dignity and respect at all times.
Staff must act in accordance with their duty of care to children and ensure that the safety and welfare of children are accorded the highest priority.
Staff should show fairness in their treatment of children and avoid behaviours such as embarrassing or humiliating children, making jokes at the expense of children, discriminating against or favouring Children and sarcasm.
Staff must have regard for the ethos and values of the nursery and must not do or say anything which may bring the nursery into disrepute. Care should be taken by staff to avoid any conflict of interest between activities undertaken outside the nursery and responsibilities within the nursery. Staff should act in accordance with the nursery’s policies and procedures at all times.
Anyone walking out during a dispute or disagreement without management permission will be deemed to be in breach of their contract of employment.
Equipment must not be borrowed from nursery premises without management permission.
Dress and Appearance
UNIFORM: Staff are expected to be well groomed and wear Company uniform. Acceptable: Smart black trousers, black jeans (not torn or holes in) and black knee length skirts and shorts. In warm weather, nursery uniform red vest tops are acceptable. Not acceptable: track suit bottoms or cut down jeans. Hair must be natural colour.
Hoop earrings, body or facial piercings must be removed while on nursery premises. Discreet earrings are acceptable. Tattoos and body art must be covered. No nail varnish or fake nails for hygiene reasons.
Footwear: Acceptable: Shoes, sandals or boots or smart black trainers. Not acceptable: Trainers (except smart black), flip flops or slip-ons. Slippers may be worn inside. ALL footwear to have nonslip soles and well fitting. No high heels. Staff should not be barefoot.
Staff should dress safely and appropriately for the tasks they undertake.
Smoking, alcohol and other substances
The Nursery/ club is strictly a no smoking zone. This includes the streets directly outside and to the sides of the premises. You must smoke out of sight of the premises. Please ensure you wash your hands and freshen your breath as a minimum before your shift if you do smoke. Please do not wear uniform when smoking to avoid passive smoking. Parents, other staff and children do not appreciate the smell!
Staff must not smoke whilst working with or supervising children offsite.
Staff must not consume or be under the influence of alcohol, illicit drugs or other illegal substances on or near nursery or club premises.
Staff need to take care that they do not accept any gift/offer of hospitality that might be construed as a bribe by others, or lead the giver to expect preferential treatment. However, there may be occasions where children or parents wish to give a small token of appreciation to staff, for example at religious festivities or at the end of the year.
Personal gifts must not be given by staff to children and any reward to children should be in accordance with the Hamptons Day Nursery’s behaviour policy, recorded and not based on favouritism.
Physical Contact with Pupils
There are occasions when it is entirely appropriate and proper for staff to have physical contact with children, but it is crucial that they only do so in ways appropriate to their professional role. When physical contact is made with children it should be in response to their needs at that time, of limited duration and appropriate to their age, stage of development, gender, and background.
It is not possible to be specific about the appropriateness of each physical contact, since an action that is appropriate with one child in one set of circumstances may be inappropriate in another, or with a different child. Staff should therefore, use their professional judgement at all times.
Staff should be aware that even well-intentioned physical contact may be misconstrued by the child, an observer or by anyone to whom this action is described. Staff should never touch a child in a way which may be considered indecent. Always be prepared to explain actions and accept that all physical contact be open to scrutiny. Staff must not engage in rough play, tickling or fun fights with children.
If a member of staff believes that an action could be misinterpreted, the incident and circumstances should be reported to your line manager, recorded and, if appropriate, a copy placed on the child’s file and parents should be informed.
Staff must not engage in inappropriate use of social network sites which may bring themselves, the nursery or the nursery community into disrepute. Staff should adopt the highest security settings on any personal profiles they have.
Staff should not make contact with children family members, accept or initiate friend requests or follow children’ family member’s account on any social media platform.
Mobile phones and personally-owned devices may not be used during formal time.
Photography, video and images of children
Photographs/stills or video footage of children should only be taken using nursery school equipment for purposes authorised by the nursery school and should be stored securely and only on school equipment.
Staff should ensure that permission is obtain at all times prior to take or using the pictures of children.
Members of staff have access to confidential information about children, their parents/carers or their siblings but this information should not be disclosed to any outsiders.
All staff are likely at some point to witness actions which need to be confidential. For example, where a child/pupil is bullied by another child/pupil, this needs to be reported and dealt with in accordance with the appropriate nursery/club procedure. It must not be discussed outside the nursery/club, including with the child/pupil’s parent or carer, nor with colleagues in the nursery except by a senior member of staff with the appropriate authority to deal with the matter.
Staff have a statutory obligation to share with the nursery/ club’s Designated Safeguarding officer any information which gives rise to concern about the welfare or safety of the child or that might suggest a child is in need or at risk of significant harm. Staff should pass on information without delay in accordance with the nursery/club’s safeguarding policy and procedures and this should be recorded. Staff must never promise children that they will not act on or pass on any information that they are told by the pupil/student.
We believe our staff should be completely attentive during their hours of working to ensure all children in the nursery / club receive good quality care and education. This is why mobile phones are not to be used during working hours.
We also feel that restrictions need to be placed on staff when they access social networking sites. The nursery has a high reputation to upkeep and comments made on sites such as ‘Facebook’ could have an impact on how parents using the nursery / club view the staff.
Staff must adhere to the following:
Mobile phones are not to be turned on during your working hours
Mobile phones can only be used on a designated break and then this must be away from the children
Mobile phones should be stored safely in designated staff locked box at all times during the hours of your working day
During outings, staff will use mobile phones belonging to the nursery /club wherever possible. No photographs should be taken of the children on any phones, either personal or nursery-owned
No comments should be made which relate to the Company’s confidential information, its financial performance or which may negatively affect its reputation.
Staff must not post disparaging, defamatory, discriminatory or otherwise offensive statements about the Company, its employees, directors, workers, clients, suppliers or vendors on any social networking site at any time.
Staff are forbidden allow parents to view their page on social networking sites as this relationship must remain professional at all times. Make your profile PRIVATE.
Personal use of social media is never permitted during working time or by means of our computers, networks and other IT resources and communications systems.
An employee will be deemed to have committed Gross Misconduct if s/he uses unauthorised software, uses internet facilities for non-business use, illegally copies software, gains unauthorised access to a computer or file on a computer, or commits any other breach of data security rules laid down by Statute or the Company.
This will include (but is not limited to) sending offensive or inappropriate E-mails or accessing, downloading, viewing or distributing offensive, unsuitable, obscene or pornographic web pages or materials from the Internet.
For the avoidance of doubt, the use of chat rooms, blogs and social networking sites to post confidential, offensive, derogatory or otherwise disparaging remarks about the Company or its employees, officers, agents, customers or suppliers shall be treated as gross misconduct under the Company’s Disciplinary Procedure.
You must not load onto your PC any non-Company-approved software. By doing so, you expose the Company’s computer systems to virus infection.
Employees should be in no doubt as to the gravity with which the Company views these rules, breach of which may be considered Gross Misconduct for which the penalty is summary dismissal.
In the event that you accidentally connect to an inappropriate site, you should disconnect from it immediately and inform management.
The Company will notify the police where it has grounds to believe that a Criminal Act may have been or may be about to be committed.
Should any of the above points are not followed then the member of staff involved will face disciplinary action, which could result in dismissal.
The holiday year begins on 1st January and ends on 31st December each year.
Full-time employees will receive a paid holiday entitlement of 28 working days during each complete holiday year. Part time employees will receive a pro rata entitlement.
This holiday entitlement is inclusive of the following public / bank holidays: New Year's Day First Monday in May Christmas Day, Good Friday Last Monday in May Boxing Day, Easter Monday Last Monday in August
This entitlement increases to 29 days on completion of two calendar years service 30 days on completion of three calendar years’ service, 31 days per year on completion of four calendar years service and 33 on completion of 5 calendar years service.
Specific conditions applying to your annual holiday entitlement
Staff cannot claim holiday within the first two months of service.
Once your holiday entitlement is used up, any leave which may be granted will be counted as unpaid. Unpaid leave is NOT an entitlement and therefore may not be granted.
Untaken holiday in one year may not be carried forward to subsequent years unless a period of statutory paternity, maternity or adoption leave or sickness absence has prevented you from taking it in the relevant year. In all other circumstances any untaken holiday entitlement will be lost.
There is no entitlement to payment in lieu of any unused part of holiday entitlement, except on termination of employment.
Holiday pay is paid at normal basic rate. Part-time employees will receive a pro-rata entitlement.
If your employment either commences or terminates during the course of a holiday year your entitlement is calculated as 1/52 of the annual holiday entitlement for every week of completed service during the holiday year.
The Company reserves the right to require that a member of staff takes (or does not take) any unused holiday entitlement during any period of notice, regardless of by who notice was given.
If, on termination of your employment, the Company has not exercised this right, you will be paid a sum equivalent to the value of any unused holiday (less tax and NI). This will be calculated on a pro-rata basis.
If on termination of your employment, holiday has been taken which has not been earned pro rata in the holiday year, the appropriate payments will be deducted from your final wages / salary and you consent to such a deduction.
This is an express written term of your contract of employment in compliance with Section 13 Employment Rights Act 1996.
Please email the director. Refer to staff holiday list overview at your workplace first before you try to book to see other bookings. Refer to your line manager if in any doubt.
Holidays will be allocated on a seniority and length of service basis. This is to ensure both adequate staffing levels and operational efficiency are maintained throughout the year. Because of this, you are requested not to make any firm holiday plans until your request has been approved.
The Company will not be liable for any losses sustained by you as a result of holidays booked before requests have been approved.
Four weeks’ notice is required of your intention to take holidays of a week or more. For occasional days holiday, Two weeks’ notice is required.
Holidays of more than 10 consecutive working days may not normally be taken.
Requests for holidays of longer duration should be submitted in writing to management . Each request will be considered on its own merits and written approval or refusal will be made.
Where booked holiday coincides with sickness absence, provided that you have followed the Company’s sickness absence reporting procedure, you will be permitted to re-arrange the part of the holiday during which you were ill.
If you are absent from work due to sickness on a public and / or bank holiday and are receiving statutory sick pay, payment for the public or bank holiday will be made at the statutory sick pay rate until such time as your entitlement to statutory sick pay has expired.
When your entitlement to statutory sick pay has expired, no further payment will be made to you on bank and public holidays until such time as you return to work from your sickness absence and your entitlement to statutory sick pay has recommenced.
JOB DESCRIPTION - Early Years Practitioner - Nursery
Job Definition:
1. To assist the Management and room leaders with the day to day running of the nursery, by assisting in the planning and preparation of activities for children’s developmental needs and caring for their general welfare.
2. To assist the Management and room leaders in the assessment of children, including record keeping and discussions regarding children’s progress, and parent consultations when appropriate.
3. To assist the manager and deputy with communicating with parents on a formal and informal basis, and talking to parents before and after Nursery.
4. To keep up to date with current issues and attending In-Service training sessions when appropriate.
5. To assist the manager the supervision of any student, or person on probation, including discussing their progress generally.
Supervision and care of children
Providing full care and supervision for the children in a welcoming, safe and fun environment.
Helping the manager to deliver the provision of a balanced and healthy meals and snacks for all children.
Supervising children at play, having drinks, snacks, meals and in their use of toilet facilities including hand washing
Helping to dress and undress children, changing children who have wet or soiled themselves and changing nappies where appropriate.
Giving first aid and on outings ensure travel first aid box is taken. Completing accurate accident/incident records and caring for unwell children.
To ensure medicine administration correctly recorded and carried out as per policy
Ensure procedures such as nappy changing, allergies, sleep checklist are carried out
Accompany children on educational visits.
Activity planning
Preparing the Nursery for each session and tidying up after use: preparing equipment and materials, craft activities, practical group activities, cleaning paints, water trays, brushes etc
Maintaining books and equipment and helping to mount and display artwork.
Ensure your designated area of responsibility is up to date and well stocked at all times
Planning in consultation with the children and staff to provide safe, creative, age appropriate, fun based opportunities and activities, and tidying up afterwards.
Ensure planning promotes the children’s welfare, learning and development in line with the EYFS.
Developing and maintaining good relationships and communications with parents/carers, school and other agencies to facilitate meeting the individual needs of each child.
To encourage parental involvement and support through the development of effective working relationships
Liaising closely with other staff, and the management regarding the welfare and care of children and day to day operational matters. To report on progress and refer any issues to manager for advise and assistance.
Communicating with parents, offering help and advice as necessary.
Direct Nursery Practitioner working
Supervising, interacting, assisting and engaging fully with children in activities and games.
Encouraging and role modelling appropriate behaviour and safe practice to the children in accordance with policies and procedures.
Supporting inclusive practice, and ensure that all children can be involved in all activities if they wish.
Assisting with groups of children in learning activities e.g reading, story telling, nursery rhymes, art, craft and cooking, singing music and movement
Encouraging language and speech development; helping to extend vocabulary and language and helping children with poor speech to express themselves
Encouraging children to join play and to share and play co-operatively
Encouraging children to help with some jobs, tidying up etc.
Helping children to learn self control in emotional and social behaviour
Helping children to become self confident and independent.
To sign in and out of register each time -Keep accurate and up to date
Ensure your key children’s developmental records are up to date at all times.
Ensure checklists are kept up to date e.g. sleeps, toilet checks etc
Completing peer observations
Ensuring staff rotas are adhered to
Attending staff meetings – weekly planning and SEND and general staff meetings
To ensure all nursery policies and procedures are adhered to at all times
Any other duties, as requested by the Manager
Attend appropriate In-Service courses.
Person specification
Skills / Abilities / Knowledge
1. Attitudes- reliable, enthusiastic, professional and caring
2. Holder of NVQ3 or equivalent childcare qualification or working towards this, and experience of working in an early years setting preferred. Staff will be expected to complete the relevant training otherwise.
3. A valid first aid qualification desirable
4. A current food hygiene certificate desirable
5. Ability to communicate at all levels
6. Ability to establish a rapport with children and their families or carers.
7. Ability to work on own initiative
8. Ability to use judgement and common sense.
9. Have an understanding, patient and caring personality.
10. Ability to work in a flexible manner with other Nursery staff, individuals and groups of children.
11. Ability to demonstrate a knowledge and understanding of appropriate approaches to support individual children in the Nursery.
12. Ability to work as part of a team, assisting with planning, developing and evaluating activities for the children.
13. Ability to make observations and assessments of children, sharing understanding of child development and behavioural patterns.
14. Ability to demonstrate a knowledge and understanding of how equality of opportunity and an anti-discriminatory approach enhances the learning and development of everybody connected to the Nursery.
15. Knowledge and awareness of issues relating to the education and welfare of all children.
16. Staff must hold or be prepared to train for a recognised First Aid qualification, Safeguarding, Food Hygiene, Behaviour Management and other relevant courses as appropriate as they arise.
17. Ability to implement appropriate child protection procedures.
18. Have an understanding of what is involved in SEND and is able to put this into practice.
19. Have experience of delivering the EYFS.
15. Have a sound knowledge of child development .
The company reserve the right to change, alter or amend your job description.
I have read & understood the above and have received a copy. I accept and will carry out the above.
This document relates to staff at both The Hamptons Day Nursery and Molesey Day Nursery
Key Performance Indicators – Nursery Practitioner
Ensure your areas of responsibility are kept fresh and updated.
Diaries for all children completed daily throughout the day
Medicines policy carried out – including paperwork
Children’s routines paperwork carried out – sleeps bottles allergies etc
Parent liaison – giving report of their child’s day, passing on messages, parent 6 monthly meetings
Completing correctly :Daily register, Accident / incident/ medication forms
Daily routines / Ensure procedures are carried out e.g. snack time
Security / safety procedures – ensure adhered to
Your role as safeguarding / SENCO/ behavior management officer/ CAF Coordinator( if applicable)
Excellent communication skills with the director- including answering emails and texts the same day
A positive attitude to change – the maturity to reflect on , and learn from previous experience.
Excellent communications skills and ability to challenge other staff if necessary
Extra responsibility, advancement and status – Work on your strengths and use these e.g. More able staff to check other staff’s child records, peer obs, help to train and develop other staff etc
To be approachable and listen to other staff inc management
To support the manager, keeping her fully informed at all times particularly on any problems with other staff, parents, children without delay.
Get timescales for tasks from management and ensure carried out to high standard
Help to ensure ratios are maintained inside and out
Ensure staff rotas are adhered to – check daily and weekly
Ensure peer observations are carried out regularly by you
Holiday cover – you arrange as much as possible, completing Leave Form -passed on to manager.
Give feedback from courses - 2 ideas at least straight away and also cascade at staff meetings.
Staff meeting agenda – take turns to compile agenda and get contributions from other staff
Ensure you know you roles at start of the day / week/ shift, and any changes.
To have supervision meetings with the manager every 3 months or more if required
Child records & observations – ensure they are up to date at all times.
Ensure your key children child records are emailed every month to parents
To attend and contribute at staff weekly planning and SEN meeting and ensure carried out
Ensure EYFS adopted including activities box, outdoor box, extending funded children
Have a sound knowledge of website content
Interest table, wall displays, mobiles – change regularly / label and adhere to Display policy
Equipment – ensure in best condition and clean including kitchen equipment
Ensure 2 year progress check carried out for your key children
To carry out research- to improve nursery practice and carry out. We want your ideas!
To show initiative when unclear re any policies/procedures/systems and to find out how to carry out
Apply common sense in problem solving. Find solutions when problems arise.
These are the minimum tasks essential to your job role as Nursery Practitioner.
Your job description has further detail.
The Hamptons Day Nursery agree to pay the cost of a DBS check to obtain a DBS certificate for new employees. Presently around £49.
IMPORTANT: you must then apply for the update service
You will receive an email / certificate from the DBS after your application and you MUST apply within a week of this to be part of the update service.
Should you not apply in time, you will need to reapply all over again at your own cost ( around £49 )
Please apply through: and pay £ 13 – this will be refunded to you by the company.
You provide a copy of the email to indicate your Update service number.
However, should I leave the employment of the company within 1 year of the date of payment of the application , for whatever reason, I agree for the company to deduct such costs of the DBS and update service from my final full month’s salary.
Note : You will receive notification by email every year to reapply and pay the £ 13. Forward the email to the company who will reimburse you £13 each year. Should you fail to reapply , the process will have to started over at your own cost.
I agree to the above.
There are two stages :
Applicants submitting forms use the following login;
Organisation Reference – EY153002
Password – Hamptons
Please log in as above and enter your personal details
The nursery will then complete their section afterwards
IMPORTANT: you must then apply for the update service
You will receive an email / certificate from the DBS and you MUST apply within a week of this to be part of the update service.
Should you not apply in time, you will need to reapply all over again at your own cost ( around £53 )
Please apply through: https://www.gov.uk/dbs-update-service and pay £ 13 – this will be refunded to you by the company.
You provide a copy of the email to indicate your Update service number.