Christmas Concert!
/The preschool children have had a very busy last couple of weeks as they prepared for this weeks Christmas performance of Stickman. Each day has been filled with excited discussions about the play and what they would be wearing. Edward excitedly told his friends “I have a Stickman costume at my home!” To which Jasper replied “I have a dog costume!”. On the morning of the play, Arlo asked “Are our Mummies and Daddies coming to Stickman?” to which Freddie answered “They are coming later!”. The children have spent the last month practicing very hard each and everyday to remember their words and songs, and it was excellent to hear that a lot of them had been practicing at home too. It was so wonderful to see them all in their costumes at the final practice before the big performance and the children loved seeing each other in their costumes for the first time too. Sadie told Margot “I love your Snowman costume, look at my one too!”
As the parents filtered in, the children chattered excitedly amongst themselves, pointing out their parents and waving to them with big beaming grins on their faces. It was lovely to have such a great turnout! They did a fantastic job and brought the house down with their singing, causing a few Mummies and Daddies to shed a tear at how well they all did. The children received a well deserved round of applause at the end along with the cheers and sniffles. Lots of parents stuck around for some food and to socialise after the performance. Thank you to everyone who came along to support and well done to all the children for all their hard work! We hope you all have a fantastic Christmas and New Year!